The Human-Technology Podcast

The Human-Technology Podcast

The Machine you Sit on can Tell the World exactly where you Stand: Usability, User Experience, User Delight

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Usability, user experience, and, relatively new, user delight define the quality of human-machine interaction. Usability is the usability, the rather hard part. User Experience deals with the emotion of the user and the emotions that technology triggers. User Delight borders on user experience, but focuses on the development, development, and communication of personality, the communication of self-image.

Smart Surfaces: Can there be any Smartness in Surfaces?

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Smart surfaces, i.e. "intelligent surfaces", are one of the trends in vehicle interiors. Or is it more of a buzzword? They offer a few advantages, but also have serious disadvantages. In this podcast episode, I discuss my view of the technologies and the use cases.

Trends in the Automotive Industry - The Business

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In the last episode of the human-technology podcast, I looked at the trends that deal directly with the artifact, with the car. In this episode, I look at what's happening in business in relationships between the automotive industry and other industries. Specifically, it is about new platforms for electric vehicles, about over-the-air updates, i.e. loading software into the vehicle via the radio interface, and about the relationship between the vehicle industry and big tech, companies like Meta, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Tencent, or Alibaba.

Trends in the Automotive Industry - The Vehicle

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Every now and then I like to record an episode with the current and future trends in the automotive industry. Basically, there is little movement in a very mature and traditional industry, so the small changes are the exciting ones. Today's episode is about the C.A.S.E. mantra and the shifts that are happening there. It's about the vehicle. The next episode will discuss topics related to cooperation, business models, and the automotive industry.

Empathy as a Guiding Star: Three Ways to Wear your Users' Shoes

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Technology has value only if it meets the dreams, needs, desires of the users. When it makes people's lives better, easier, more focused, faster, safer, or just plain funnier. Technology without value might pass for art, but in the end, it's just junk. Understanding users is central to the success of a product, service, or technology. In this episode of the human-technology podcast, I present three methods that set the right course at the beginning of a project.

What are the Parameters to Create a Perfect Automotive HMI?

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Besides all the visions, the trends, the thinking about the future, in addition to all the generic, strategic topics, we need a solid basis for the development of HMI solutions in cars. In this podcast episode, I analyze the interaction principles of ISO 9241 and a set of rules I developed for my projects. I clarify what are the parameters that make an HMI solution perfect.

The Show with a Difference - The CES 2022

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The first business trip of every year takes me to the CES at Las Vegas, NV. The show was canceled in 2021 due to the Pandemic, 2022 tried a revival. My impressions on a totally different show, new experiences, and the missing HMI innovations in this podcast episode.

Artificial Intelligence in Vehicles: where are the Use Cases?

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Artificial intelligence is on the rise. In many areas of daily life, it is reality and we hardly notice it anymore, in others it is on the rise. In this episode of the Mensch-Technik podcast, I analyze the role of AI in and around the car, look for use cases and problems with the application. And I'll tell you why we should introduce the term “intelligence substitute”!

What You Seek is Seeking You: Interview with Apala Chavan

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Apala Chavan is one of the top user experience and usability professionals. She is co-founder of the HFI, a member of the ACM Publications Board, and chair of the design and innovation committee of the IAMAI, and finally an expert member of the Academic Council at Vidyashilp University. I met her during an HCII (online) session on Intercultural HMI design last summer. She sees culture as not only geographical, but also based on wealth. Her focus of work is on the integration of the poor into technology use cases. Are you aware, that 12% of humanity is rich, and these 12% design technology for 100% of the humans?

Buzzword, Hype, or the Holy Grail of Innovation: on Design Thinking

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Design thinking often comes across as a buzzword, like a hype, like old and established methods in a new appearance. This is not entirely unfounded, the method is partly based on what has been tried and tested for a long time. But there are also innovative and exciting approaches, especially in the philosophy, in the approach, and in the processes. I discuss my point of view on design thinking and tell you my three most important takeaways.

About this podcast

It's about the relationship between humans and technology, about the design of technology. It's about how we can get our lives back by dropping technology addiction. Technology has two big problems: it's difficult to access and it's addicting. I want to make my listeners' lives better by opening their eyes to the design and use of technology. My goal is to change the way you look at the world and make it a better place.

by Dr. Peter Roessger


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