The Human-Technology Podcast

The Human-Technology Podcast

Five Steps for Sexy Technology

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There are various processes, ways, and procedures to make technology sexy in order to achieve a positive user experience. In this podcast episode, I'm talking about user-centricity, context dependency, what role usability plays in the context of user experience, the agility and linearity of processes, and about product testing.

Our Decision: Do we make Technology Good or Bad?

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It's always how we deal with it, how we handle the technology, what we do with it when, and where what makes it good or bad. Our actions, our decisions, and our thinking define the value of technology. That's the good and bad news simultaneously: it's in our hands, we can make the change, and drive thought and action forward. We can surrender, abandon the catches of Big Tech, of product manufacturers and service providers. We as individuals, we as a society, and we as humanity have it in our hands.

Clash of Cultures: I has never been that difficult to Design an Automotive HMI

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New players in the vehicle industry have chased the established players in front of them, especially in the HMI (Human Machine Interface). They are catching up now, giant screens, buttonless dashboards, and feature updates via the air interface are standard in many new vehicles. It's time to look at some of the technologies and analyze their advantages and disadvantages from a user's perspective.

Protective Capsule, Means of Self-Expression, Communication Device: Roles of the Car Beyond Mobility

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Basically, a car is a technology designed to move humans and goods from A to B. It fulfills this core task in most cases. However, and this is what makes the automobile as an artifact so exciting, it plays many other roles in the lives of the users. I've looked at three of those roles beyond mobility and discuss them in this episode of the Human-Technology Podcast.

The CarHMI 2022: five Statements and my Thinking on them

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The CarHMI in Berlin is one of the major conferences on HMI in vehicles. The term HMI is used very broadly here, covering a wide range from HMI technologies to topics such as artificial intelligence in vehicles and automated driving to development processes. I picked out five speaker statements, analyzed them, and commented on them.

The User: The Big Unknown and how to Learn more about it - Part 2

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Part 2: Not everyone thinks like you. In all honesty, if you're a homo technicus, very few others think like you. Alan Cooper

Developers tend to expand their world, their thinking, and their way of making decisions for all users. You can't blame them for that. Successful products are easy to use, users are unknown beings. Usability studies are mandatory as part of product development. In this and the next episode of the human-technology podcast, I explain how studies are planned, conducted, and evaluated.

The User: The Big Unknown and how to Learn more about it - Part 1

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Not everyone thinks like you. In all honesty, if you're a homo technicus, very few others think like you. Alan Cooper

Developers tend to expand their world, their thinking, their way of making decisions for all users. You can't blame them for that. Successful products are easy to use, users are unknown beings. Usability studies are mandatory as part of product development. In this and the next episode of the human-technology podcast, I explain how studies are planned, conducted, and evaluated.

Our Brains: a Computer in our Head or a Miracle of the Evolution?

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Our brain as we know it - and most of the time we use it - emerged in its basic character during the cognitive revolution 70,000 years ago. With this artifact adapted to the conditions of the Stone Age, we are constantly changing our environment and have to deal with the consequences. In this episode, I look at the strengths and weaknesses of the brain and analyze whether it is a computer in our head.

About this podcast

It's about the relationship between humans and technology, about the design of technology. It's about how we can get our lives back by dropping technology addiction. Technology has two big problems: it's difficult to access and it's addicting. I want to make my listeners' lives better by opening their eyes to the design and use of technology. My goal is to change the way you look at the world and make it a better place.

by Dr. Peter Roessger


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