The Human-Technology Podcast

The Human-Technology Podcast

Four Plus One Levels of Automated Driving

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As part of the CarHMI 2023, I had the opportunity to discuss HMIs issues, usability and user experience at the different levels of driving automation with participants in the format of a world café. In this episode of the Human-Technology Podcast, I summarize and discuss the key take-aways.

Make the Car the Star again - Report from the CarHMI 2023

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Every year in June, the Automotive HMI Community meets in Berlin for the CarHMI of we.CONECT. This year around 300 experts were on site, there were around 20 presentations, many workshops and an exhibition. In this episode of the Human-Technology Podcast, I share some of the points discussed and the insights I gained.

Three Doubts, or better Said: Three Disappointments

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In this episode of the Human-Technology Podcast, I look at three things that didn't necessarily disappoint me, but made me think and doubt. It's about my switch to the Apple world, the level 2 automation of a German premium vehicle and my experiences with the Cupra Formentor HMI.

Loneliness despite, with and through Technology

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Loneliness is seen as something that old people feel and experience. There are increasing signs that this is not true, that young people can also be affected by loneliness. In this podcast episode I analyze what loneliness is, what makes it different from being alone, what role technology plays and how we can tackle it.

Trust and Technology: How does it Work?

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We are surrounded by vast amounts of technology. It determines our everyday life, life as we know it is unthinkable without technology. We have trust in technology. Without that trust, we couldn't use technology. In this episode I talk about too much and too little trust in technology and how technology is changing trust between humans.

Artificial Intelligence: Visible or Invisible?

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The topic of artificial intelligence is associated with fears and reservations, partly rightly, partly wrongly. If we represent artificial intelligence, its work becomes visible and does not take place in secret, then we have the chance to use the advantages without surrendering ourselves. In the KARLI project, I deal with the topics of AI and HMI and have written a paper on it. Here I discuss the key points and why the movie industry is an inspiration for human-technology design.

Analyze, Minimize, Control: From my New Book Status Offline

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My new book Status offline is available since a few days. The feedback I'm receiving is totally positive, which makes me super happy! In this episode of The Human Technology Podcast I'm talking about the book, focusing on the aspect, how to handle technology in our everyday lives, getting the benefits technology delivers but not stepping into the traps Big Tech has created for us.

5 reasons why Automotive HMIs are Different

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Automotive HMIs (human-machine interfaces) differ from those of smartphones, PC software, aircraft cockpits, or power plant control rooms. There are a number of reasons for this, which I discuss in this episode. It's about the users, security, and a lot about mental resources.

About this podcast

It's about the relationship between humans and technology, about the design of technology. It's about how we can get our lives back by dropping technology addiction. Technology has two big problems: it's difficult to access and it's addicting. I want to make my listeners' lives better by opening their eyes to the design and use of technology. My goal is to change the way you look at the world and make it a better place.

by Dr. Peter Roessger


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